Saturday, March 29, 2008


Took Anna to work this morning and Matthew to Port-a-pit and made it back to church for the last half of the service. Phew. Then enjoyed a lovely shower for Pastor's daughter. When my day comes I will call upon the Mrs. for help. She does a bang up job of feeding people.

Came home and left soon after to pick the kids back up. Took Anna over to babysit and have come home long enough to make dinner for the kids and then go out again.....for the cub scout derby race/blue and gold banquet. I am already ready for bed..... Hopefully no will notice if I take a nap at the banquet.

The kids and Charley are cleaning up the tree debris this afternoon from all the fallen trees this winter. It looks A LOT better already. No more tree cutting activity today.

Exciting post as usual........

1 comment:

Anan said...

It sure does sound exciting... Except that isn't what we did yesterday. Is it possible that you haven't blogged for a week? *gasp* If you don't blog then people won't know all about my life anymore! And...and...and... Come baaaack!