Thursday, June 11, 2009

So much for yesterday's positive thinking

I think it is most likely impossible for me to be content with what gets done today. I seem to hit the overwhelmed point too much and probably need to throw everything away that is not absolutely necessary. There are NO deep thoughts on this subject. There IS endless work and messes and discouragement and frustration. I did have one hilarious moment this morning that will keep me going for the rest of the day no doubt plus Yay! there is a Divine Service this evening - but I won't tell you what was so funny as I might just follow through with 'the plan' as discussed by my partner in crime. Hmmmm......

So I did plan the meals and I am going to go get what I need to make them but that involves leaving my house again and leaving the house is a VERY BAD THING! Never leave home if you can help it. Sigh, sigh, sigh. If I didn't have high blood pressure this morning I am certain I have it now. No ones home that I go to looks as cluttered up as mine. I MUST get rid of the salt water tank and then get rid of LOTS of stuff but a person has to have time to do that too. Yes, I am discouraged and overwhelmed and I know this too will pass for some days in between feeling this way. Please press ignore when reading this as again, this is MY BLOG and I am venting away here. There just IS NOT enough time to get to it all and the fires are everywhere. I also don't seem to know other people who blog about such things so maybe I should push delete. Back to the masses and I hope there are some people out there who might think I know something about what I am doing or at least won't judge me for sometimes having a bad day. Don't most people have bad days or am I kidding myself????? Getting psyched up to throw out more stuff. Anyone want a salt water fish?


Susan said...

Oh, Karin, I have no help to offer. Just sympathy. I want to say, "I feel your pain" (in my best Bill Clinton imitation) but I don't. Not really anymore. My body is old and tired like yours, but I don't have the little ones who need diapers changed. Hugs to you!

Karin said...

I know you understand Susan whether you have diapers to change or not. Life has equal challenges for everyone. I am just not feeling like I am coping too well with coping with them!!! If I could only have more then a month go by without having a day like this. The day definitely had it's ups and downs. Thank you for your kind words. It will be good to see you next week.

sarahlaughed said...

Oh, Karin. I hope it all gets better. Sadly, I've felt the same way the past few days. It also seems that whenever I try to blog about stuff like this, I either break down or fail to finish it, or just don't post it. I've had some really icky days too, I'm just not as effective in writing about them politely.

Christ's Peace!

Kim said...

I completely understand where you are coming from! I'm sending hugs your way.