Sunday, September 16, 2007

The Weekend

Charley, Anna, and Erik went to Indy to the Worship and Spiritual Care workshop. I believe they had a great time. They were gone all day. The rest of us prepared for our upcoming camping excursion. I got most of the food shopping done. Now we just need to throw it all together and pack our clothes. Anna and Erik packed the trailer Friday before they went to bed.

Saturday night we called CHarley's dad and had a great time talking to him. He seems to be doing very well after some out patient surgery Friday. He was talking up a storm anyway and really I think my father-in-law is quite cute. He says the funniest things and his accent is priceless. We wish we could get him recorded so we will always remember these talks we have.

Today, we went to church (surprise!), struggled a little with small children falling apart because they don't know where we are in the hymnal all the time (no this is not a plug to have it all written out). Came home and Anna and ERik went to sing for school dedication here in town.

My mom and dad and cousin Linda came in the afternoon. It was good to see Linda (I know now she reads our blogs). She is a fixture in my going to Maine as child memory bank. (That was probably bad grammar right?) My grandmother called me Linda all the time. She was a little forgetful. So the funny thing was, my mom called Linda, Karin this afternoon. That was sort of funny to me. We traded places!

Stefan is feeling a little sick so he is sleeping a lot. I hope everyone is well by Thursday. Charley is staying home to work on the 'project' in peace. I am praying for no rain over the next weekend.

School in the morning......

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