Monday, October 12, 2009


The new challenges of biking are, I think I need to do some 'research' on how to stay warm when biking in colder weather. I know I biked in colder weather in the spring but it kept getting warmer so it wasn't too daunting. Now it is getting colder and no doubt it will continue to get colder. I have Charley's biking pants that I gave him a few years ago and now seem to be mine. Then there are my to fit a hat under my helmet. Speaking of helmets, I have a fat head. I couldn't find my helmet as it got buried in the back room under some blankets, so I was trying everyone else's helmets on and I must have quite the fat head. Their helmets just pearched on the top of my head and I couldn't cram them on at all. I almost went without a helmet but good thing I didn't as in my usual grace and style I managed to have my first spill on the bike. What an oof. It hurt at first but like a good horse rider I got back on and headed home. At the moment I feel fine..........we'll see what the morning brings. Basically I want to keep exercising as much as possible this winter and if the roads are dry, I love to bike so will have to figure out how best to do that. My family is so much happier if I am biking.........;O). I am sure others are happier too.

That is all for now.

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