Saturday, February 02, 2008

Lots to do

So it Saturday. After church this morning, we are on a mission to sanitize this place. THere are many places which drop through the cracks of the busyness of life so we earmarked a few and are having a cleaning festival. The kids are thrilled as you can imagine. I am hoping to go catch up on a few errands as well.

My dd has calmed down a bit from her giddyness which is good. I hope Paul doesn't pull in the driveway soon. These young people keep me entertained at the least.

I must admit I am a bit in the doldrums but perservere. Nothing a little cleaning, chatting with friends, and forging ahead can't help. Taking care of stuff also drags me down and despite purging as time allows, it still can bug me.

I got the spelling program in the mail yesterday and it's mantra is drill, drill, and drill again. It is scripted which is great. I couldn't do it without that. Now to carve out the time to work on this with said son. It will be a good thing.

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