Friday, May 01, 2009

Garage sales

My blog just erased the post.....oh botheration. Yes.....went to some neighborhood garage sales today and I can see where they do become addicting. Both my friend and I did pretty well considering the little amount spent and a few hours to work with. Her one year old, Ingrid and Matthew the van sitter came along. I love it when I find the generous sale where the prices are very low and the stuff is worth looking at. Clearly they wanted to get rid of their stuff. Anyway it was fun and I might consider doing it again.

Charley got some not so good and not very surprising news at work in light of Chrysler declaring bankruptcy. It was not any actual news yet for Bosch but who knows what will happen as much of the auto industry is shutting down for eight weeks. Bosch just sent out a memo stating the facts of how the eight week shut down will effect suppliers which they are one of them. Stay tuned for news on that front.

I wanted to mow the lawn but didn't quite get the mower up and running so I hit the road on the bike again. I have had TOO much fatty stuff in the last few days as I am sucker for something tasty.

That is all the news today.


organistsandra said...

Oh yea! Blog posts to read! I hadn't checked your blog in several days, and there were three new posts.
Things continue to go fine here, but I'm feeling melancholy today - missing home - and your posts are a taste of home. thank you.

Do you have a new bike of your own, or are you riding your dd's?

Karin said...

I do have a new bike of my own and have done my best in spite of rain to get on the road every day. THis morning I am feeling like road kill...not sure why as I did not do anything that unusual yesterday.

Looking forward to your return. I haven't seen the pictures from Kenya yet so will have to have you guys over a few times to catch up.